Member Introduction


Chairman & Representative Director
Reiji Shibata
Reiji ShibataBorn in Tokyo in 1962.
Graduated from the Department of English Literature, Faculty of Literature at Sophia University, and began working for Keio Plaza Hotel. Deployed to the Embassy of Japan in the Netherlands while at Keio Plaza Hotel. Returned to Keio Plaza Hotel, and worked to reform HR in the company.
Began working for Mercer Human Resource Consulting (currently Mercer Japan), a company that specializes in organizational & HR consulting in 1995. Became President & Representative Director of the Japan branch in 2000, at 38 years old. Gains a thorough knowledge of consulting that instructs organizations on how to take action, as well as the discovery & training of next-generation leaders. Resigned as President in 2007, and has since worked as President & Representative Director of CAD CENTER, Chairman & Director DIGITALSCAPE (currently IMAGICA DIGITALSCAPE), President & Representative Director of Digital Hollywood, and COO & Representative Director of Culture Convenience Club.
Officially began operation for Indigo Blue Co., Ltd., a company based in management consulting & personnel training, in July 2010, in order to teach others the importance of time spent working, and time spent learning. Has served as Chairman & Representative Director of the company since November 2015.

President & Representative Director
Naoto Terakawa
Naoto TerakawaBegan working for Sony in 1982.
Has since served as Vice President & HR General Manager of Digital Network Solutions, Head of the Personal Solutions Business Group Promotion Department, and Director, etc. of group companies, affiliates, and more. Worked in HR & labor management throughout this time. Worked to set up new businesses, reform corporate structure at headquarters, implement policy plans for GP management, and lead operation within the company.
Became Director of StylingLife Holdings in 2006. Has since been in charge of management strategy, management plans, financial affairs, HR, information systems, general affairs, legal affairs, business alliances, compliance, quality management, etc.
Became President & Representative Director of Maxim’s de Paris Ltd. in 2010. Became Executive Officer & HR Director of World Co., Ltd. in 2012.
Has contributed to the start-up of approximately 60 new businesses in a variety of industries, and has had management experience as director / executive officer in over 40 different posts.